Urdu Newspaper of Pakistan

Below is a list of names available in Pakistani Urdu newspapers.

How To Download Pakistan Urdu epaper?

You can click on each image; after clicking, a new page will open where all the city newspapers of that particular newspaper will be available. 

Every day between 4:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. PST, we will begin uploading each city newspaper for a  particular name (Newspaper). The uploading of all Pakistani newspapers will be complete before 11:00 a.m. PST.

Around 6:30 PM, we will start uploading some famous English newspapers such as the New York Times, The Guardian, and the Washington Post, etc.

Pakistan Urdu Newspaper

Below is a list of Pakistani Urdu newspapers available in PDF format. You can click on each Pakistani Urdu newspaper for download.

We will keep updating this list after the PDFs of particular Pakistani Urdu newspapers are available.

Official Links:

Official links to the above-shown newspapers websites are available below.

Daily 92 Newspaper Link
Jang Newspaper Link
Express Newspaper Link
Pakistan Newspaper Link
Dunya Newspaper Link
Nai Baat Newspaper Link
Jehan Pakistan Newspaper Link
Ausaf Newspaper Link
Nawaiwaqt Newspaper Link
Khabrain Newspaper Link
Jinnah Newspaper Link
Mashriq Newspaper Link

Important Notice:

This e-paper is not published or owned by us. We're just providing individuals with a link to a downloadable resource that's already available on websites and on social media. This electronic paper is exclusively distributed for educational purposes only. Please get in touch with us if you find that it in any way violates any policies or if you have a complaint about it.